Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fear: An interview with Carson, River and Gunnar

Interviewer (Ariel): So Gunnar, what would you say your fears are?

Gunnar: My name is Gunnar Bond; I have no fears. If you ask anyone else, they'll agree with me-

River: HA! You fearless? You CRIED when we got trapped by PIXIES! Fearless? That's funny! 

Carson: Be nice River. Gunnar has his moments.

River: When!?

Carson: *coughs* Can we move onto the next question?

Interviewer (Ariel): Alright then; Carson, what are your fears?

Carson: ...

Gunnar: Oh please. The guy hates snakes.

Carson: Yeah? Well you hate spiders. And Pixies. So there.

River: *Tries to hide laughter*


Interviewer (Ariel):....

Gunnar: So is it true you and Carson have the same last name? 


River: *Clears throat* I think this interview is over.

Author's Note:

I wanted to try and do the "Fear" idea differently than everyone else. I figured that everyone would be writing a poem or story, so I thought "Hey, I'll do an interview!" I hope it turned out okay!!


  1. Ha silly handsome man you...afraid of spiders...

    Peace out

  2. Is he related or associated in any way with Mr. James Bond of MI6?

  3. I liked that it was different! very creative
