Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fear: An interview with Carson, River and Gunnar

Interviewer (Ariel): So Gunnar, what would you say your fears are?

Gunnar: My name is Gunnar Bond; I have no fears. If you ask anyone else, they'll agree with me-

River: HA! You fearless? You CRIED when we got trapped by PIXIES! Fearless? That's funny! 

Carson: Be nice River. Gunnar has his moments.

River: When!?

Carson: *coughs* Can we move onto the next question?

Interviewer (Ariel): Alright then; Carson, what are your fears?

Carson: ...

Gunnar: Oh please. The guy hates snakes.

Carson: Yeah? Well you hate spiders. And Pixies. So there.

River: *Tries to hide laughter*


Interviewer (Ariel):....

Gunnar: So is it true you and Carson have the same last name? 


River: *Clears throat* I think this interview is over.

Author's Note:

I wanted to try and do the "Fear" idea differently than everyone else. I figured that everyone would be writing a poem or story, so I thought "Hey, I'll do an interview!" I hope it turned out okay!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A story of Courage

The light was slowly melting into shadow. The huge capital tower was black and grey. I starred up at it, wary. Lilly was in there; probably going through test after test... My teeth clenched in anger as I readjusted my blaster. It hung on my black belt, next to my throwing knives.

     "Dez," I said grabbing my buddies arm. He stopped and looked at me, one hand on the door of his truck.
     "Yeah?" He asked, his black hair making him blend into the night.

     "If I don't make it out," He started to speak but I cut him off, "No, listen. If for some reason I don't make it out, you take care of Lilly, okay? Get her out of there and keep her safe."

     Though he did it reluctantly, he nodded. I sighed in relief, letting go of his arm.

     "Okay; lets do this."
Ten of us were in the back of the vans, covered by boxes. We were sneaking into the capital as the vans rolled slowly up to the gate. Ten guards began searching the vans. as they reached towards the boxes, my men reached out and yanked them down as they let out a cry of surprise.

     They didnt have the chance to yell again.

     They were quickly stripped of their armor and we quickly dressed, as we drove into the building.

     This was my chance to save Lilly; I had to be fearless.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Poem: I miss you

I Miss You
by: Ariel Storm

I miss you
I miss your blue eyes
shinning at me with love
and trust

I miss your tiny hands in mine
with the dimples on each knuckle
soft and pink
clutching my thumb

I miss your smile the most
wide and happy
full of laughter
and joy

I wish you were still here
my angel
I may not understand why you left
but I love you

Heaven is far away
but its where you belong
In gods arms
Safe and strong.

Friday, February 1, 2013



I am Miss A and I recently have had a lot of activity, and unfortunately I cant reply to all your comments, but I have tried! (: but I'm so thrilled that some of you have enjoyed what you have seen(: PLease visit again! BTW: I do take story requests(:

STORY REQUESTS ARE when you tell me you want me to write a story about you(: you tell me the general idea of where you want it to go, and if I like your idea, I'll write about it(:

So enjoy my blog(: I will also be posting about new books that I've read and comment on as many blogs i can(:
And as Porky Pig would say,

Well that's all folks!


A xx